Firmy podróży i ładunków

Wysyłanie towarów do miast WNP

Stas & Alex Cargo Services („Stas and Alex Cargo”) Sharjah,

ładunek do Rosji i Kazachstanu
t: (06) 533-03-32, f: (06) 539-47-76,
m: (050) 798–48–79,
m: (050) 877-73-45

Aerolink Int. Wycieczki i ładunki (Aerolink International Tours & Cargo)

t: (04) 224–81–11,

f: (04) 221–96–00

Al Basma Cargo i usługi (Al Basma Cargo i usługi)

t: (04) 262–33–87,

f: (04) 262-11-94

Al Bayan Tourism & Air Cargo (Al Bayan Tourism & Air Cargo)

t: (04) 228–28–03,

f: (04) 228–28–31

Atlanta Tourism & Cargo (Atlanta Tourismend Cargo)

t: (04) 268–31–00,

f: (04) 268–36–00

mob: (050) 627-64-61, 657-43-52

Grupa Azemarch Trading Cargo Travel Cargo (Grupa Azemarch Trading Cargo Travel Cargo)

t: (06) 532-52-72, (06) 533-47-84

Bin Majid Tourism & Cargo (Bin Majid Tourism and Cargo)

t: (06) 531–33–72

Fasten Tourism & Rent A Car (Fasten Tourism & Rent-a-Car)

t: (04) 272-07-08, (04) 271–43–67

Interglobe Travel, Tourism & Cargo (Interglobe Travel, Tourism & Cargo)

t: (04) 297-06-66, (04) 297-10-90

Ivory Shipping Cargo (Ivory Shipping Cargo)

t: (04) 227-77-78, 227-72-78

Mida Travel, Tourism & Cargo (Mida Travel, Tourism & Cargo)

t: (04) 224–22–55, (04) 222–59–00


t: (04) 227–55–66

North South Cargo

t: (06) 532-55-38,

f: (06) 532-55-37

e-mail: [email protected],

Usługi turystyczne Royal Park (Royal Tourism Tourism Service)

t: (04) 262-62-82, f: (04) 262-12016

Zhana Arka Airlines Almaty Travel Tours & Cargo (Zhana Arka Airlines Almaty Travel Tours & Cargo)

t: (04) 225-93-33, 225-91-85